Flexi Business +

Flexi Business + Loan

Flexi Business + is a lending solution designed to support small business owners. It can be used for various purposes, including working capital, purchases, business restructuring, succession planning, or managing ATO debt.

This product suits:

Loan basics

Employment StatusOptions available for short-term PAYG/self-employed individuals.
Property TypesResidential only – construction allowed.
Debt ConsolidationAbility to consolidate unlimited existing debts.
Cash-OutEquity release for any reasonable purpose, including business requirements.
Credit HistoryApplicants with defaults, late payments, or discharged bankruptcies are considered.
Alternative Income VerificationAvailable for self-employed or those with non-traditional income streams.
Interest-Only OptionsAvailable
Ownership StructuresIndividuals, companies, or trusts.
Favourable PurchaseAvailable
Private Loan RefinanceAvailable

For new borrowers

For New Brokers